Science Validates Near Death Experiences

This week I'm talking to Orson Wedgwood about his book 'NDE: Near Death Experience and AWARE studies: Proof Of The Soul and God?'
In recent years scientists have researched the phenomenon of Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and now have enough evidence to determine their validity. Dr Orson Wedgwood Ph.D., a medical scientist, walks us through this evidence, including research published up to end of 2023. In addition he discusses the common features reported by those who have experienced NDEs and what the implications are for the long term destiny of each human consciousness, or soul. As well as the positive aspects of NDEs so often described in other books and TV shows, Dr. Wedgwood also discusses the evidence suggesting that only 10-20% of souls survive death, and of those that do, not all are destined to reach heavenly realms. Is “Hell” real too? The good news is that NDE survivors provide us with guidance from their encounters with “God” or other “celestial beings”, on how we might safeguard the health of our souls to enable us to survive earthly death and reach the heavenly realm. It’s all about Love. Put simply, reading this book, may prove vital to the eternal destiny of your soul.
Born in 1968 and now living in Sussex, England, I have spent my career in science. My undergraduate studies were in chemistry, and my PhD studies were in organic medicinal chemistry, during which I worked in a team that created a molecule that opened the door to a cure for Hepatitis C, as well as treatments for certain cancers, and HIV. In 1999, I began working in the pharmaceutical industry, for the first ten years helping to bring new drugs to market, and for the past ten years working alongside academic clinical investigators in designing, conducting, helping publish and interpreting clinical studies looking into the effects of exciting new compounds in diseases such as HIV, hematological malignancies, obesity, and, most recently, neurological disorders such as narcolepsy and Alzheimer’s.
As a medical scientist, I have become skilled in understanding, interpreting, and disseminating key findings from complex clinical studies, similar in some ways to the AWARE studies. It is a part of my day job to be able to critique scientific data and understand how design can affect outcomes, among other things. I also write a blog——exploring research into NDEs, which follows closely any developments in the AWARE studies. My blog focuses on the clinical data and the science. I also discuss possible “spiritual” implications that come out of the scientific research. In addition, I am the author of DNA: The Elephant in the Lab, a non-fiction book about the origin of life, and I also wrote the novel Deadly Medicine. Both are available in online bookstores.