Remarkable Recordings of the Dead

This week I'm talking to sheri Perl and Sonia Rinaldi about their work in spirit communication where they bring through recorded messages and pictures of spirits.
Sonia Bio
International speaker, author and columnist, Dr. Rinaldi has been participating in research on Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) for over 35 years, obtaining remarkable results in images and voices. As a leading authority in ITC, she has developed new technologies to record extracorporeal consciousness, pioneered the use of computers to record transcontacts, and introduced new devices in the field of transcommunication, including telephone, cellphone, Skype, etc.
Dr. Rinaldi is Co-founder and Research Director of IPATI – Instituto de Pesquisas Avançadas em Transcomunicação Instrumental (Institute of Advanced Research on Instrumental Transcommunication).
She holds an undergraduate degree in Anglo-Germanic languages (Mackenzie University/São Paulo-SP) and MsC in Sciences of Religion (Pontificia Universidade Católica-SP).
Sonia speaks frequently on spiritual research and has received worldwide media attention for her innovative methods, which have been documented in the nearly 100 books and e-magazines she has authored and published.
Bio Sheri
Sheri Perl is a spiritual healer and counselor, author, teacher, and interfaith minister. She became involved in spiritualism in a desperate attempt to save her life. At age sixteen, Sheri was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. After years of medical treatment, she was fighting for her life on the operating table. While recovering from surgery, a second illness contracted through blood transfusions was declared fatal. At this time Sheri contacted British spiritual healer, Harry Edwards, “purely out of desperation.” To her amazement, the healing stopped her illness in its tracks, and returned her liver functions to normal. As a result of this experience, Sheri opened the doors to spiritual exploration. She has studied with many great mediums and healers, eventually earning her doctorate in Therapeutic Counseling from the Open International University, Institute for Alternative Medicine.
Her book, “Healing From the Inside Out” chronicles her experience with illness and spiritual healing and shares what she has learned along the way. In 2008, her 22-year-old son Daniel died of an overdose of alcohol and prescription drugs. Needless-to-say, Sheri suffers greatly from this loss; however, what helps her is the knowledge that Daniel is safe in the spirit world and “connecting up” with him through thought, feelings, dreams, signs and reputable mediums. Sheri is currently working on a new book to share her perspective with others who are mourning. She recently created the PRAYER REGISTRY for parents who wish to join with others to send group prayers out to their child on the anniversary day of their passing.