Jan. 7, 2025

Psychics and the Invisible Realm

Psychics and the Invisible Realm

This week I'm reading from John Russell's book 'The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock'.

"John Russell stands as a distinctive voice in the realm of paranormal literature, crafting narratives that transcend the ordinary and delve into the mystic aspects of the psychic and paranormal realms. With an illustrious career that merges real-world psychic experiences with rich storytelling, Russell's works are a treasure trove for enthusiasts of the uncanny and the supernatural." — New York Weekly

Do you believe that trees can communicate their feelings by...crying?  Is it possible that rocks can communicate with us by writing messages to us on their surfaces?  Can our beloved deceased pets return from the dead—in the flesh—to visit with us and assure us that their souls live on?

John Russell's fourth book, The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock, is a collection of mind-blowing true tales of the supernatural.  "What sets John Russell apart is his ability to blend his personal experiences with broader paranormal theories, offering his readers a firsthand look at psychic phenomena. His accounts are not just stories; they are experiences lived and shared, from eerie ghost encounters to life-saving messages delivered by guardian angels."

Return with John to his youth, and ride along in the darkness while he runs his paper route on his bicycle and encounters a hair-raising and frightening otherworldly event.  Was it Dogman?  A Werewolf?  Bigfoot?  An angry ghost?

Read an incredible story of the Devil himself dancing with several women in a West Texas nightclub during Cinco de Mayo.

And then, there's those pesky UFOs.  Read about John's own up close and personal encounters with these strange craft and his subsequent observations that have led him to draw distinct conclusions about their behaviors.

Did John receive guidance from the Other Side that enabled him to save the life of a young child?  The chapter titled "Christmas Night Sky" will really tug at your heartstrings.  And don't miss the bizarre story of a snake that saved John and two of his buddies from a beatdown.

That's just a smattering of the amazing true tales you'll enjoy reading in The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock.


John Russell has been a professional psychic for over 50 years.  Internationally known, he has provided psychic readings for thousands of clients in over 40 countries.  For over 18 years he has been a popular featured guest, heard worldwide, on numerous radio shows and podcasts, including 13 appearances on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.  His books have all won multiple awards.

Also by John Russell and available on Amazon:  Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead — A Knock in the Attic — 20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities



