This week the I am reading from Mary-Anne Kennedy's 'Advanced Mediumship: A Masterful Guide for the Practicing Medium' and Yvonne Smith's book 'Chosen: From the Alien Hybrid Program to the Fate of the Planet'.
Advanced Mediumship: A Masterful Guide for the Practicing Medium is the ultimate guide for the practicing and professional Spiritual Medium. Written by renowned professional Medium Mary-Anne Kennedy, this powerful manual offers readers a deeper understanding of the world of spirit communication while staying safe, connected, and empowered to be the best Medium one can be.
From examining personal development and the expansion of one’s own consciousness, to assisting the reader through various aspects of a professional practice and advanced techniques, this book takes readers on a journey from learner to teacher - from amateur to professional. Whether you're a beginner or advanced medium looking to further your development, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in mediumship, psychic development, the paranormal, the afterlife, grief/bereavement, and personal development.
Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate medium looking to further your development, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in psychic development, the paranormal, the afterlife, grief/bereavement, and personal development.
Mary-Anne Kennedy is Internationally Acclaimed, award-winning, and Canada’s Top Psychic Medium. She is the best-selling author of “How to Become a Medium: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting with the Other Side” and “Advanced Mediumship: A Masterful Guide for the Practicing Medium”. Mary-Anne is a spiritual educator, soul-based coach, and TV Personality, starring in three seasons of Ghosts of Dufferin County & Beyond. Featured as a guest and expert contributor with numerous television, radio, and podcast productions, Mary-Anne’s professional contributions to the metaphysical community are extensive. Founder of the School of Mediumship & Spiritual Studies, Mary-Anne’s distinguished teaching style makes it easy to understand how the spirit world works, and what you need to do to develop your connection with it. Mary-Anne also contributes her time and talents to various charity events each year, establishing healing connections to the spirit world with compelling accuracy and power.
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Yvonne smith
CHOSEN: From the Alien Hybrid Program to the Fate of the Planet describes in great detail what occurs to someone when they have contact with non-human entities. Unedited transcripts of actual hypnotherapy sessions which the reader will find both compelling and unnerving. During the last 5 years of her work as a hypnotherapist specializing in alien abduction, Yvonne Smith saw a shift or "urgency" in the "messages" received by the Abductees from these beings. In Part Two of CHOSEN, she uses direct quotes by the Abductees as they describe their feelings of "urgency." "Something is coming very soon." Considering the daily news coming out of Washington--incendiary tweets and unbelievable decisions and announcements--are these messages from alien beings coming to fruition? Is it time that the people of Earth begin to listen to these chosen individuals, and the messages they bring back from their extraordinary encounters?
On January 1, 2023, Yvonne reached an important milestone of celebrating 32 years of working with UFO abduction cases.
Yvonne is the author of Chosen: From The Alien Hybrid Program To The Fate Of The Planet; Coronado: The President, The Secret Service and Alien Abductions, a true account about a mass abduction which occurred in 1994. In these books, Yvonne has taken the time to reveal explicit, dramatic and unedited transcripts of clients’ reliving, during hypnotic regression, their recollections of alien encounters and abductions.
Since she felt...