This week I'm talking to Dr Robert Davis about his book 'The Consciousness Connection: Extraordinary Human Experiences and the Nature of Reality'.
This book is an invitation to embrace Extraordinary Human Experiences (EHE) and the wonders of the unknown. It is a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge and curiosity of unexplained events can lead to enriching experiences, encouraging us to approach life with open minds, recognizing that we are much more than any single perspective or belief system would suggest.
Extraordinary Human Experiences include the near-death and out of body experience, extrasensory perception, synchronicities, reincarnation, spiritual awakenings, effects from psychoactive drugs, altered states of consciousness, and interactions with unidentified aerial phenomena and non-human intelligences, among others. The meaning and implication of EHEs have not been addressed by the scientific community, yet, they have impacted millions who consider them "realer than real," facilitating the enduring fascination and curiosity of the unexplained and the boundaries of human consciousness.
We need to take up the challenge to further knowledge of what we prize as our most unique human characteristic, the untapped potential of our consciousness and connection with each other and reality itself. After all, the positive transformations facilitated by EHEs hold promise for us all, especially since they represent a movement away from destructive behavioral characteristics and the attainment of values which promote individual and collective survival.
Collectively, this book reflects the significance of EHEs and their associated rationale for a needed paradigm shift. This proposed paradigm shift model - The Science of the Self - aligns common interests by minimizing conflict and promoting cooperation, fostering a common worldview that integrates the nature of EHEs with reality, science, and consciousness. After all, despite our modern-scientific principles, we are barely out of the primordial soup from which we evolved. Our knowledge is still in its infancy and we have a long journey ahead to fully understand the true nature and potential of our consciousness connection with the world around us.
Clearly, there is hope, meaning, and joy in this journey of curiosity and discovery.
Robert Davis is an internationally recognized research scientist and author, and after receiving his doctorate degree in 1981, he conducted research, taught, and was an administrator for the State University of New York for over thirty years. Bob has spoken about his research on the effects of environmental and toxic stimuli on the brain and sensory systems in venues that vary from national and international scientific conferences to over sixty published research articles in scholarly journals. Since his retirement, he has spoken on over one hundred national and international radio shows and podcasts about his recent research publications on the Science of the Subjective and human consciousness. Bob has also written .